for driver

Your intelligent assistant on the road.
In today's fast-paced world, we are constantly on the move - be it to work, school or in our free time. In doing so, we rely on our vehicles to get us to our destination safely and on time.
But what happens when unexpected problems arise on the road?
This is where JOY comes in - your reliable intelligent assistant for problem solving.
Why JOY?
JOY is your constant companion on the road. Our innovative AI is specialised in identifying vehicle problems quickly and efficiently and providing you with the best possible support.
Our goal is to ensure your mobility and make your journeys as stress-free as possible.
Remote diagnostic access
If you have a connected car and you have agreed to our service, you can simply contact JOY if you have a problem with your car.
We have authorised them to check your vehicle's control units and search for the fault. Just as if you were in the workshop, but from anywhere and at any time.
And if you need a second opinion, the technician you trust can simply call in.
Practical solution finding
JOY has been trained with thousands of diagnostic cases and thus recognises patterns in error patterns in order to quickly arrive at a solution. To keep the quality as high as possible, these training procedures were completed for each manufacturer, which is why JOY is always an expert in its field. The suggested remedy can then be transmitted to the respective assistant or workshop if required in order to minimise time and costs.
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